Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How about something completely different

I was asked by a new friend hey can you make a gauge? I thought a what? A gauge hmm what does it look like. So a few emailed instructions and a nice couple of pictures and sure enough a new product for people to see.
I know it does not look like much now but wait till I tell you what it does.
you see here 3 different gauges (but what do they do?)

there is the 1 inch by 3 1/2
there is the 1/2 inch by 3 1/2
there is the 1/4 inch by 3 1/2

Now what you do is when you are making netting you use the gauges to make the same size hole in the netting so if you are making a shall or fishnet stocking then hurray the right tool for the right job.
O did I mention they are really shiny so much so that if you look really close you can see my camera reflected in them.
Now these are the prototypes and a wee bit of r and d needs to be done but I figured it is time for something new up here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weee! I am the recipient of these fine gauges and cannot wait to share with you and your readers on how successful they are! Even without feeling them in person I can tell that they will be wonderful to work with!

Thanks Clancy!